Nouvelle Grammaire Du Francais: Cours De Civilisation Francaise De La Sorbonne
Nouvelle Grammaire Du Francais: Cours De Civilisation Francaise De La Sorbonne
Nouvelle Grammaire Du Francais: Cours De Civilisation Francaise De La Sorbonne
Written in French, this is the French grammar bible and it is for advanced students of French. Covers all of French grammar. An invaluable reference tool for French language students at the highest level.
# Hardcover: 367 pages
# Publisher: Continental Book Co; Out of PRINT edition (January 10, 2005)
# Language: French
# ISBN-10: 2011552710
# ISBN-13: 978-2011552716
# Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 6.6 x 0.9 inches
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